School Nurse Organization of Oklahoma

Asthma Awareness Day

Posted over 1 year ago

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Bethany Children's

Bethany Children’s Health Center will host the 2nd Annual Asthma Awareness Day Saturday, May 6th from Noon – 2:00 PM in our Adaptive Fine Arts and Recreation Center and Miracle Baseball Field.  The purpose of the event is to raise awareness about asthma and provide asthma education about how this serious, sometimes life-threatening, chronic respiratory disease can be controlled. The expected outcomes are to empower children and caregivers to avoid asthma triggers, understand asthma treatments and decrease the incidence of asthma. We will be reaching out to OKC Metro Schools, pediatricians and families to invite children, their caregivers, teachers and medical professionals.

Children will participate in a scavenger hunt (see attached) that will educate them about twelve asthma triggers. Each trigger "station" will have a game, education and prize to make learning about asthma fun. Upon visiting all trigger stations, children will be eligible to win one of four bikes/helmets that will be given away. Other activities include: Make Your Own Mucous, Decorate Your Spacer Case (pencil case), Shoot Your Triggers, Face painting, Sack Races, Bethany Fire Truck and much more!


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